Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A New Procrastination Technique for 2010

As 2010 looms on the horizon, I have decided to take my reading to the next level - I am going to blog! I have zero experience with blogging, my (what I like to think of as) witty humor occasionally comes across as down-right mean in the written form, and this will most likely add another year to the completion of my PhD because I feel this will be the mother of all procrastination techniques - and yet I am determined to move forward with my plan!

I hope to keep track of the books I read, the challenges I am participating in, and maybe throw in some random thoughts on life as a PhD student while I'm at it. I don't promise to be politically correct, my personal views will most likely shine through, and I will attempt to refrain from using the really offensive profanity but the minor stuff is fair game.

If anyone out there happens to stumble upon my site, please feel free to comment away! If no one ever reads this then it won't be a new feeling - I write scientific papers for a living. :)


  1. I really like your blog so far! I love the background! I would also enjoy reading about your Ph.D progress. A old professor of mine wants me to do one, but another friend of mine that got his sounded like it's a pretty stressful and not so fulfilling experience. I'd like to hear others point of views.

    Oh, it also looks like you figured out the progress bar so don't pay attention to my post on Shelfari (I'm Bowlie). Good luck with the blogging!

  2. Carin~ Thanks for the comment...and the compliment. :) I am slowly figuring things out but hopefully will add a couple more over the next few weeks.

    I have a love-hate relationship with my PhD: I love the research that I do, the people I work with, and the fact that it is going to allow me to have the career that I want. I hate that it is COMPLETELY stressful, I am grossly underpaid, and I work unbelievable hours even though they are flexible. I think it is a fulfilling experience and will be even more so when I am done! The best advice I can give is that if you are going to get your PhD, make sure you are doing it because you WANT it (and I mean REALLY want it) or else you are probably going come to resent it.

  3. Great job on getting the blog going, Nicole! I really like the background, too. I have to warn you, you're so right about using blogging as a procrastination tool. I'm pretty sure it's launched me to new procrastination heights (and I was pretty close to the stratosphere to begin with)!

    Looking forward to reading your thoughts in the new year. (I'm participating in the 1010, too - that one should keep us busy!)
